BECAUSE ARCHITECTS is a team of daring architecture and interior design professionals who create, design and deliver projects for daring clients. We all strive to be unique, to create impressions for ourselves and others. For us, the client is a friend, it is the one whose goals and ideas together will make it possible to create an exclusive desired result. We all strive to create around the best place to live, work, promote business. 
Together we will bring this goal closer to you.

Illya Rastvorov

Illya Rastvorov is a Ukrainian architect with an experience in several well-known architectural studios in Kyiv (name them). Participant of international competitions. Winner of the Canaction 2019 competition.
From a young age, Illya was showing an interest in architecture and construction. Later on he graduated from the Prydniprovska State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture (PSACEA, Dnipro). After that, he was working on different architecture projects for Ukrainian en foreign clients. He also works on his own conceptual projects with a mission to create unique, stylish and self-sustained buildings which will improve the infrastructure of a city or add something new to an existing surrounding.
When Illya is answering the question "What an architect should know and understand?" his answer is - "Everything". His interest in various fields makes it possible to approach his designs creatively. Ilya likes to travel and to explore the world. And everything he sees and learns comes together in his well-thought architectural projects.

Nadia Smitiukh
Nadia Smitiukh is a Ukrainian interior designer and co-founder of Because Architects studio. Participant and winner of the competition «eVOLLюція2019».
Nadia's first education is a jewelry designer and work with precious stones. This knowledge helps her to notice the smallest details in her work and to approach any matter delicately.
Her second education is an interior designer at Kyiv State Institute of Decorative and Applied Art and Design named after Mykhailo Boychuk in Kiev, Ukraine. She is passionate about minimal interiors designed with soul and passion. Nadia believes that each interior has its own history and has to reflect the personality of a person living or working in it. She approaches each client individually, with full attention to his taste and needs. Her goal is to create design fully fitting the esthetical and ergonomic needs of the customer. It is always about collaboration between the owner of the space and the designer who is creating this space, that is why Nadia's love to psychology helps her in communication and understanding of the client.

In 2019 Nadia and Illya together with other talented colleagues started to work on the complex architecture projects, involving multiple disciplines, such as architecture, interior design, furniture design and creative direction.
In spring 2020 Illya and Nadia have officially created their own architecture & design studio Because Architects. Since then, they work together with their own team on a variety of different projects for their regular and new clients.
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